Know How DWAI Charges Can Affect You

Meet with a DWAI defense attorney in Montrose, CO today

Your blood alcohol content (BAC) level doesn't have to exceed the legal limit to be arrested for driving under the influence. Drivers can be charged with driving while ability impaired (DWAI) if they are under the influence of narcotics or alcohol with a BAC between 0.051% and 0.079%.

If you've been charged with a DWAI in Montrose, CO, you have options. Speak with a DWAI defense attorney at Knifer Law to see how you can maintain your driving rights. Cody Knifer will take the time to go over your case and walk you through the court process. You can count on us to stand in your corner in court.

Call 970-901-9928 now to learn more about our DWAI attorney services.